//TITLES FOR HALF-LIFE // Position command $position x y // x & y are from 0 to 1 to be screen resolution independent // -1 means center in each dimension // Effect command $effect // effect 0 is fade in/fade out // effect 1 is flickery credits // effect 2 is write out (training room) // effect -1 is print center (normal text in center of screen) // effect -2 is print notify (normal text in top left of screen) // effect -3 is print center (text piped straight into console) // effect -4 is print talk (normal text in lower middle of screen) // Text color r g b command $color // fadein time fadeout time / hold time // $fadein (message fade in time - per character in effect 2) // $fadeout (message fade out time) // $holdtime (stay on the screen for this long) // the only flags TFC uses are the effect value -4 through -1, for screen positions $effect 0 //new text ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////teams////////////////// VAMPIRE { VAMPIRE } SLAYER { SLAYER } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////class/skin/////////////// LOUIS { LOUIS } EDGAR { EDGAR } NINA { NINA } FATHER_D { FATHER D. } MOLLY { MOLLY } EIGHTBALL { EIGHTBALL } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////Class Titles////////////// Title_LOUIS { LOUIS } Title_EDGAR { EDGAR } Title_NINA { NINA } Title_FATHER_D { FATHER D. } Title_MOLLY { MOLLY } Title_EIGHTBALL { EIGHTBALL } // SDK 2.2 Spectator Menu Spec_Mode_Inset0 { Inset Window Off } Spec_Mode_Inset1 { Inset Chase-Camera Mode } Spec_Mode_Inset2 { Inset First Person Mode } Spec_Mode_Inset3 { Inset Map Mode } Spec_Mode1 { Locked Chase-Camera } Spec_Mode2 { Free Chase-Camera } Spec_Mode3 { Free-Look } Spec_Mode4 { First Person } Spec_Mode5 { Free Map Overview } Spec_Mode6 { Chase Map Overview } Spec_NoTarget { No valid targets. Cannot switch to Chase-Camera Mode. } Spec_Help_Title { Undead Cam } Spec_Help_Text { ENTER to Change Team. Use the following keys to change view styles: FIRE1 - Chase next player FIRE2 - Chase previous player JUMP - Change view modes USE - Change inset window mode DUCK - Enable spectator menu In Overview Map Mode move around with: MOVELEFT - move left MOVERIGHT - move right FORWARD - zoom in BACK - zoom out MOUSE - rotate around map/target } Spec_Slow_Motion { Slow Motion } Spec_Replay { Instant Replay } Spec_Auto { Auto } Spec_Time { Time } Spec_Map { Map } Spectators { Spectators } Unassigned { Unassigned } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GAME_TITLE { } GAME_INFO { } Game_onlyteams { There can be only %s teams on this map. } Game_alreadyteam { You're already in Team %s. } Game_teamfull { That team is full. Pick another. } Game_locked { Closed Server. Clan Battle in progress. } Game_playerjoin { %s has joined the game } Game_startedteam { %s has started Team %s. } Game_joinedteam { %s has joined Team %s. } Game_changedteam { %s has changed to Team %s. } Game_minsleft { %s minutes left till Match begins. } Game_oneminleft { one minute left till Match begins. } Game_thirtysecleft { 30 seconds left till Match begins. } Game_secsleft { %s seconds. } Game_onesec { 1 second. } Game_matchbegin { MATCH BEGINS NOW } Game_matchlocked { GAME IS NOW LOCKED } Game_resumefire { RESUME FIRE } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Admin Admin_nopassword { Server has no Admin password set (tfc_adminpwd) } Admin_access { Admin Password accepted. Admin rights granted. } Admin_badpassword { Admin Password incorrect. } Admin_noplayers { Players In Game : %s } Admin_noteamplayers { Players In Team %s: %s } Admin_gameempty { No other players in the game. } Admin_kickban { %s (%s) KICK/BAN/NEXT? } Admin_listip { %s (%s) } Admin_endlist { End of player list } Admin_kick { %s was kicked by %s } Admin_ban { %s was banned by %s } Admin_ceasefire { CEASE FIRE } AKick_kicked { %s was kicked for killing teammates. } AKick_warn { Kill one more teammate, and you will be removed from this server. } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Menus Menu_chooseteam { === Choose Your Team === } AutoTeam { Auto Team } Title_SelectYourTeam { SELECT YOUR TEAM } Title_SelectYourClass { SELECT YOUR CLASS } Title_CurrentlyOnYourTeam { } Team_AutoAssign { AUTO ASSIGN } // other menu text Menu_OK { OK } Menu_Cancel { CANCEL } Menu_Spectate { SPECTATE } // Scoreboard TEAMS { TEAMS } PLAYERS { PLAYERS } CLASS { CLASS } SCORE { SCORE } DEATHS { DTH/RES/KO } LATENCY { PING } VOICE { VOICE } Mic_Volume { Mic Volume } Speaker_Volume { Speaker Volume } Voice_Properties { Voice Properties } Map_Description_not_available { Map Description not available. } Player { player } Player_plural { players } Muted { You have muted %s. } Unmuted { You have unmuted %s. } No_longer_hear_that_player { You will no longer hear that player speak. } OBS_NONE { Camera Options } OBS_CHASE_LOCKED { Locked Chase-Cam } OBS_CHASE_FREE { Free Chase-Cam } OBS_ROAMING { Roaming } OBS_IN_EYE { First Person } OBS_MAP_FREE { Free Overview } OBS_MAP_CHASE { Chase-Cam Overview } SPECT_OPTIONS { Options } CAM_OPTIONS { Camera Options } Spec_Duck { Press DUCK for Spectator Menu }